Tag Archives: off air

Aww, it’s Godzilla!

4 Sep

If you haven’t seen my earlier comical post about my physical stature matching Godzilla’s when I step over objects, then this may be your first encounter with my obsession of the gargantuan beast.

It will no longer come to surprise then when I say that when I came across these photographs of classic Godzilla(s) in off air moments I became slightly obsessed. Even if you aren’t one for oversized reptilian machines of destruction, you can’t avoid the endearment that comes from these captures. Enjoy!

Agent 00G

Hel Looks

blog it like you bought it

Color Me Katie

blog it like you bought it


blog it like you bought it


blog it like you bought it

Advanced Style

blog it like you bought it

Excellent Male Model

blog it like you bought it


blog it like you bought it

thank you, ok

blog it like you bought it


blog it like you bought it

Miss Moss

Sharing things.